Returns Policy
- Any returns should be made within 3 days from the date of delivery/purchase. The products should unused, undamaged, and in the same condition that they were shipped or purchased in, including the labels; they should be saleable. Ensure that the product is packed well to avoid any damage when it is being shipped back.
- Please indicate your account/mobile number and the order number where applicable so that any returns can be processed promptly. You are requested to follow the return procedure to ensure a smooth process free of any complications.
- Make arrangements for the products to get to our warehouse not later than 3 days from the date of purchase/delivery.
- Products that fall under the non-returnable category include Boxers, Vests, Socks, Ties, Belts, intimate wear, swimwear, perfumes and jewelry. This is because of hygiene issues.
- All costs incurred when returning a product will NOT be reimbursed.
- The customer will meet the shipping charges for sending back the products exchanged with the ones returned. Exchange items should be of the same value as the ones bought.
- We reserve the right to reject any form of exchange without the original receipt (Hard Copy or Electronic), or when the return is long overdue and or when the item has been used, washed, customized, perfumed or subjected to anything that affects its original state.
- Items bought on SALE CANNOT be returned or exchanged.
- No CASH refunds.
- Once exchange is done, no further returns or exchanges will be accepted.
- WhatsApp us the parcel receipt once dispatched for easy follow-up on our end.